Cat Burglar is a prototype for a puzzle game where the player uses a laser pointer to guide a cat through a museum to steal valuable artifacts. This prototype was worked on by a team of five people. I programmed the UI and control schemes for this project which was created in Unity 3D. 

Relation Shift is a prototype for a collaborative platforming game where the players have to change the flow of gravity in order to traverse the level. For this project, I performed a good amount of coding for the gameplay as well as the UI. This prototype was developed in the spring of 2022 by a team of five people.
Duck Duck, Goose is a silly prototype for a 2D game where the player has to corral a group of ducks while being pursued by an angry goose which emerges from garbage cans. My role for this prototype consisted of 2D artwork and programming the player's movement. This prototype was developed in the spring of 2022 by a team of five people.
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